To make the Haptic tasks symbolic, words are interjected through touch-signs, Braille, or typing.
Many of us do not typically think of the Haptic modality as supporting symbols, but it does.
Touch typing, of course, is one common example.
Another, which incorporates a receptive process, is Touch-Signing and Braille.
Individuals who are deaf and blind find the Haptic modality very satisfactory for carrying on casual or intense conversations.
To make the haptic tasks symbolic, words are expressed through touch- signs, Braille or typing as in the following tasks:
Receptive: To demonstrate (by pointing a finger) the ability to recognize a particular object (held in the hand) which corresponds to a word that was presented through touch sign.
- Inner: To demonstrate (by pointing a finger) the ability to associate an object (held in the hand) with a word (presented through touch signs) which belongs in the same category.
NOTES: See an example of someone using Touch Signs.