The role of the Tactile Modality in our cognitive development may be underestimated by most of us.
These tactile nerve cells are enervated when the skin is distended.
The role of touch in our cognitive development may be underestimated by most of us.
We have already seen, in the development of the Rumanian orphans, how the mere practice of touching babies can induce brain growth! This is an opportunity which we can‰t afford to miss!
We will see later, when we look at the perspectives of Kephart, how the Tactile modality plays a major role in the child‰s exploration of the environment.
As you observe a baby now, you may notice that they spend much time touching and rubbing against things with their hands, feet, legs, lips and tongue.
This is as much a process of serious study and exploration to the baby as is the busy bustling of a scientist about his laboratory.
NOTES: Get some more information on touch.