Embedded figures occur more frequently in daily tasks
2. Embedded Figure-Ground: More common in our daily lives are embedded figure-ground tasks-- a looking for a needle in the haystack type of activity.
If I come into the classroom and there is just one person, I can pick him out immediately, but if the class is full (around 130 students) I may have a tough time even though he is in full view.
When I was in the Air Force, I always procrastinated looking at the daily bulletin board because there were so many notes pasted up there--it was a pain to find the daily rosters. This did have some unpleasant consequences for me!
In the following notes are a number of illustrations and comments about embedded figures. They are not only illustrations but suggestions for paper and pencil tasks that could be developed to improve figure-ground discrimination.
Although perception has many innate qualities, it is amenable to improvement with practice. The tasks need only to be suited to the students age and interest; and arranged in difficulty from the simple to the complex so that success is the rule.