
  1. (with Jorge Martinez*, Andrew Miller*, Richard Wolff*, Bruce Shapiro) Using Common Academic Indicators to Predict Graduation Rates at CSUN, 2005-2014, PUMP Journal of Undergraduate Research, Vol. 2, 2019.

  2. (with Allyn Jackson) Snapshots of Mathematics in Sub-Saharan Africa, American Mathematical Society Notices, Vol 65, No 7, 2018.

  3. (with H. Hellenbrand, W. Horn and J. Stinner) The Case for Increasing Enrollment and Leveraging Marginal Costs: CSUN Case Study, Journal of Higher Education Management, vol 28, N.1, 2013. 13.

  4. Singularly Perturbed Integral Equations, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 313 (2006) 234–250.

  5. (with T. Wolff) Contraction estimates on groups, Proceedings of the Conference in Honor of Leonid Pastur, Markov Processes and Related Fields, vol 9 #4, (2003), 829-840.

  6. (with T. Wolff) Contraction estimates on groups, Proceedings of the Conference in Honor of Leonid Pastur, Markov Processes and Related Fields, vol 9 #4, (2003), 829-840.

  7. (with W.Schlag and T. Wolff) Frequency concentration and localization lengths for the Anderson model at small disorders, Journal D'Analyse Mathematique, vol.88, (2002), 173-220.

  8. (with T. Wolff) Appendix to Some Harmonic Analysis Questions Suggested by Anderson-Bernoulli models: A general contraction property of PSL(2,R), Journal d’Analyse Mathematique, vol 88, (2002), 7-26.

  9. (with W. Horn) Analytic Treatment of the Bridged Crack Problem, ZAMM, Z. angew. Math. Mech, 00 (1999), 0, 1-10.

  10. (with R. Vakilian and T. Wolff) Some harmonic analysis questions suggested by Anderson Bernoulli models, Journal of Geometric and Functional Analysis, vol. 8, (1998), 932 - 964.

  11. (with W. N. Everitt, G. Stolz, and A. Zettl) Sturm-Liouville problems with an infinite number of interior singularities, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 191, (1997), 211- 250.

  12. (with R. Carlson and R. Threadgill*) Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue problems with finitely many singularities, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol. 204, (1996), 74-101.

  13. Singular perturbations of integral equations with degenerate kernels, Journal of Integral Equations and Operator Theory, vol. 24, (1996), 328-351.

  14. (with G. Stolz) Spectral theory of one-dimensional Schrodinger operators with point interactions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol. 184 #3, (1994), 491-516.

  15. (with R. Carlson) Spectral rigidity for radial Schrodinger operators, Journal of Differential Equations, vol. 113 #2, (1994), 338-354.

  16. An inverse problem for the Schrodinger equation with radial potential, Journal of Differential Equations, vol. 103 #2, (1993), 47-259.

Other Editorial Work:

  1. (T. Wolff) Lectures on Harmonic Analysis, American Mathematical Society, University Lecture Series, Vol 29 (Editors: I. Laba and C. Shubin), 2003.

  2. (T. Wolff) A general spectral gap property for measures, Journal D'Analyse Mathematique, vol.88, (2002), 27-34.

Conference Proceedings:

  1. (R. Kerobyan1, K. Kerobyan, P. Nguyen*, and E. Donovan* ) Infinite-server queue model mmapk(t)|Gk|∞ with time varying marked map arrivals of customers and occurrence of catastrophes, 27th International Science Conference on Computer Networks.

  2. (with Seyed Sajjadi*, Bruce Shapiro, Christopher McKinlay, Allen Sarkisyan*, Carol Shubin, Efunwande Osoba) Finding Bottlenecks: Predicting Student Attrition with Unsupervised Classifier. IEEE Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys-2017, 9/10 Sept. 2017, London, UK, Proceedings In Press).

  3. (G. Simila, W. Horn) Analyzing Data Sets: Global Positioning System (GPS) and Modeling the 1994 Northridge Earthquake

    Note: 4 - 18 were supported by the National Science Foundation.

    * Jorge Martinez, Andrew Miller, Richard Wolff, Rod Threadgill, Seyed Sajjadi, Allen Sarkisyan, Phy Nguyen, E. Donovon were undergraduate co-authors.