Science Teaching Series

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I. Developing Scientific Literacy

II. Developing Scientific Reasoning

III. Developing Scientific Understanding

IV. Developing Scientific Problem Solving

V. Developing Scientific Research Skills

VI. Resources for Teaching Science

Health Science Standards

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Standard 2

The student understands and demonstrates behaviors that prevent disease and speed recovery from illness.

Middle School | High School | Heath Standards Home

Middle School

Students in middle school who meet this standard will be able to:

  • Describe current major chronic and communicable diseases prevalent at different stages of life.
  • Explore how good health behaviors, such as aerobic exercise and proper nutrition, influence disease.
  • Understand the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including HIV.
  • Participate in regular health screenings, including scoliosis, vision, and hearing.

The following tasks and assignments might be used to determine whether the student is meeting the standard:

  • Students will identify situations or behaviors that may lead to STDs and HIV.
  • Students will brainstorm and chart facts and myths of HIV transmission.
  • Students will describe behaviors that affect risk of chronic disease, including heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis.
  • Students will research historically important infectious diseases and discuss how prevention and treatment would occur today.

High School

Students in high school who meet this standard will be able to:

  • Identify and evaluate measures for the prevention and control of communicable and chronic diseases (including STDs such as HIV/ AIDS).
  • Cooperate in regular health screenings, including dental, vision, and hearing exams.
  • Recognize the importance of breast and testicular self-examination.
  • Analyze the influence of family and cultural factors on the treatment of disease.
  • Communicate with a health-care provider about the symptoms of disease and other personal health concerns.
  • Evaluate food intake for nutritional adequacy specific to one’s gender, age, and health condition.
  • Explain to a pregnant woman the benefits of prenatal care and the importance of care after the delivery, especially for the newborn.

The following tasks and assignments might be used to determine whether the student is meeting the standard:

  • Students will complete a survey regarding participation in regular health screenings.
  • Students will evaluate a personal food log and nutritional adequacy using computerized nutritional analysis and
    will propose alternatives to improve nutritional quality as appropriate.
  • Students will create a brochure about a specific disease and include the following information: description of the disease, the method of transmission, incubation period, symptoms, treatment, and prognosis.
  • Students will compile a list of questions concerning individual health and role-play a visit to the doctor.
  • Students will list myths concerning health and disease and evaluate their validity.
  • Students will compare two hypothetical pregnant females with different backgrounds (e.g., marital status, age, culture, and family support) through pregnancy, delivery, and early infancy, addressing conception, fetal development, prevention and detection of birth defects, and environmental health hazards.