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Michael D. Eisner College of Education

California Science Project


CERTIFICATION: In order for you to receive CERTIFICATION AS A CSP SCIENCE LEADER, you will attend academic year follow-up sessions and you will provide evidence that you implemented CSP lessons in your classes and that you have in-serviced your colleagues informally or formally, and that they are using the material in their classes. Some pre- and post-testing will occur and you may receive classroom visitation help in your implementation plans.


Please document your involvement in the San Fernando Valley Science Project by actively participating in the online newsgroup and documenting documentation of (1) the follow-up sessions you attend, (2) implementation plans, (3) the CSP-based lesson plans you implement in your classroom, and (4) the formal or informal in-servicing of colleagues you perform.

(1) Attendance at follow-up sessions: Please enter the newsgroup and "sign-in" at each workshop you attend. Click on the MEETINGS message. Click on the meeting you attended. Enter the following information:

(2) Implementation plans:

The need for planning

  • Not failure, but low aim, is crime.— James Russell Lowell
  • People don't plan to fail, they fail to plan.
  • The tragedy of life doesn’t lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach. — Benjamin E. Mays
  • "In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable." — Dwight D. Eisenhower"

Put your plans on the newsgroup Open the newsgroup by clicking here.Click on the item entitled "IMPLEMENTATION". Fill in only the following four fields:

  • email address: enter the email address which you use most frequently.
  • your name: enter your name
  • title: Put the name of your school in the "title" field
  • enter your message here: At the top of the field box enter your name and your school in CAPS. After this describe your plans for teaching concepts and ideas you learned in CSP. It might be helpful to consider the following questions:
    1. Which new topics/concepts will I teach this year as a result of being in the CSP?
    2. Which new laboratories/demonstrations or other activities will I teach this year as a result of being in the CSP?
    3. When will I introduce these concepts/units?
    4. What additional resources will I need to acquire if I am to teach these units?
    5. Which new California Science Standards will I address as a result of being in the CSP?
    6. Which technological resources did I learn about in CSP that I plan to use to enhance my teaching?
    7. How will I evaluate my success in implementing these units/activities?
  • Modification/Updating of plans: To update or modify your plans, simply enter the newsgroup, click on the IMPLEMENTATION discussion, click on your entry, and post a "reply" or message to your original message. This creates a threaded discussion.

(3) Implementation of CSP lessons in your classes: Please document the lessons, materials, experiments, or pedagogy you have incorporated into your class as a result of being in the CSP. Appropriate things to include are:

(4) In-servicing of colleagues: You may share what you have learned in the San Fernando Valley Science Project with colleagues in either a formal or in-formal setting. Enter your plans for sharing what you have learned with others in the IN-SERVICING discussion in the newsgroup. When you have completed such in-servicing, please add follow-up messages to your original posting.

Formal In-Servicing: You may wish to share the concepts you have learned with your colleagues in formal setting through:

(1) Professional organizations: (ACS - American Chemical Society, AAPT - American Association of Physics Teachers, NSTA - National Science Teachers Association, CSTA - California Science Teachers Association, NABT - National Association of Biology Teachers, SACNAS - Society for the Advancement of Chicanos & Native Americans in Science, etc.), NAGT - National association of Geology Teachers, NESTA - National Earth Science Teachers Association.

(2) Local group teachers groups: (Greater Los Angeles Teachers of Science Teachers, Southern California Physics Teachers, Southern California Chemistry Teachers, etc.)

(3) Local in-service presenations: presentations to your department, school, or district.

Informal In-Servicing: Alternatively, you may wish to share what you have learned with your colleagues informally through:

(1) Dialog with colleagues: Sharing the resources you have developed with others in your department.

(2) Sharing ideas via the Internet: Submitting lesson plans you have developed to one of the lesson plan websites.