Understanding the geographical, geological, biological, social, and environmental aspects of your school's community through online maps.Discussion Group | Internet Resources for the Standards | Enter your attendance here
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Standards related to mapping
Read a topographic map and a geologic map for evidence provided on the maps and construct and interpret a simple scale map.
Construct scale models, maps and appropriately labeled diagrams to communicate scientific knowledge (e.g., motion of Earth's plates and cell structure).
Students know how to analyze published geologic hazard maps of California and know how to use the map's information to identify evidence of geologic events of the past and predict geologic changes in the future.
Read and interpret topographic and geologic maps.
Introduction to the Globe Project
Analysis of LandSAT 5 satellite IR photograps with MultiSpec using MultiSpec Software on a Macintosh.
Topographic/Relief Maps | World Maps | Historical and Demographic Maps | Geololgical Maps
Street Maps | Environmental Maps | Maps and News | California MapsTopographic/Relief Maps
- TopoZone: USGS (United States Geological Survey) topographical maps.
- TopMap.Com: Topographic Maps of the USA
- Terraserver: Satellite photos & topographical maps.
- Seismic Hazard Zones: Seismic hazard maps for much of California.
- World Topographic Maps: Relief maps for the world.
- Atlapedia: Relief & political maps of the world.
World Maps
- Atlapedia: Relief & political maps of the world.
- Online Map Creation: Create maps of any location in the world.
- Xerox PARC Map Viewer : Outline Maps of anywhere in the world.
- Perry-Casta�eda Collection: Historic Maps.
- Maps of the States: Maps of all of the countries of the world.
- National Geographic Map Machine: Relief maps of the world.
- Quick Maps of the World: Thematic maps of the world.
- Outline Maps: Outline maps for use in the classroom.
Historical and Demographic Maps
- Demographics Maps (CSUN): Demographics of California based on census data.
- TIGER Mapping: Create maps of any location in the US. Select the features you desire.
- Perry-Casta�eda Collection: Historic Maps.
- National Atlas of the USA : Create various biological and demographic maps of the US
- US Historical Maps: Library of Congress Collection
US & Foreign Street Maps
- LA Traffic Reports: Real-time freeway traffic maps.
- Freeway Traffic Maps: Up to the second traffic maps for major metropolitan areas.
Environmental Maps
- Current Air Quality: Current air quality data from EPA.
- EPA Watershed Maps: Environmental Protection Agency maps showing pollution concerns.
- National Atlas: Maps on the distribution of vegetation and animals.
- USGS Current Earthquake Maps: Map current seismic activity anywhere in the world (from NEIC)
- Weather Channel: Current weather maps of the world.
- Worldtime: World map showing current day/night conditions and time.
- Biomes: Links to resources on biomes
Geological Maps
- Terraserver (satellite photos): Satellite photos & topographical maps.
- Dibble Foundation: Geologic Maps of California
- Volcano Maps: Maps of volcanoes.
- Geological Maps of California: USGS Geological Maps. There are also maps from other states.
- Seismic Hazard Zones: Seismic hazard maps for much of California.
Maps and News
- United Nations Maps: General maps and maps of peacekeeping operations.
- Maps in the News: Maps of locations currently in the news.
- Worldtime: World map showing current day/night conditions and time.
California Maps
- EPA Watershed Maps: Environmental Protection Agency maps showing pollution concerns.
- Terraserver (satellite photos): Satellite photos & topographical maps.
- USGS Current Earthquake Maps: Map current seismic activity anywhere in the world (from NEIC)
- National Atlas: Maps on the distribution of vegetation and animals.
- TopoZone: USGS (United States Geological Survey) topographical maps.
- Seismic Hazard Zones: Seismic hazard maps for much of California.