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8-5. Chemical reactions are processes in which atoms are rearranged into different combinations of molecules. As a basis for understanding this concept:

8-5-a. Students know reactant atoms and molecules interact to form products with different chemical properties.
5-1-a Students know that during chemical reactions the atoms in the reactants rearrange to form products with different properties.
5-1-a Students know that during chemical reactions the atoms in the reactants rearrange to form products with different properties.
5-1-f Students know differences in chemical and physical properties of substances are used to separate mixtures and identify compounds.

  • Chemical reactions
    • electrolysis
    • rapid oxidation
    • vinegar and baking soda
    • dissociation of salt in water (conductivity)
  • Physical reactions
    • distillation
    • boiling point elevation (probeware)
    • dissolving (sugar in water)
    • iron in sand (separation with magnet)

8-5-b. Students know the idea of atoms explains the conservation of matter: In chemical reactions the number of atoms stays the same no matter how they are arranged, so their total mass stays the same.

8-5-c. Students know chemical reactions usually liberate heat or absorb heat.

  • Exothermic and endothermic reactions; handwarmers, ice packs, sulfuric acid & sugar
  • Endothermic reactions

8-5-d. Students know physical processes include freezing and boiling, in which a material changes form with no chemical reaction.

  • Distillation apparatus (2.4.4)
  • Hero's engine
  • Air pressure, collapsing can, air pressure fountain

8-5-e. Students know how to determine whether a solution is acidic, basic, or neutral.

  • Anthoncyanin pH indicator: household chemistry (5.5.3)
  • Respiration activity
  • (5.6.5)

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