Science Teaching Series

Internet Resources

I. Developing Scientific Literacy

II. Developing Scientific Reasoning

III. Developing Scientific Understanding

IV. Developing Scientific Problem Solving

V. Developing Scientific Research Skills

VI. Resources for Teaching Science

Elements and Compounds

Periodic Tables

  1. WebElements - Highly interactive periodic table from Mark Winter, University of Sheffield, UK.
  2. Chemicool - Interactive periodic table maintained by MIT.
  3. Graph Chemical Properties - Graph various chemical properties using this resource.
  4. - Interactive periodic table
  5. Periodic Table - Java Script Periodic Table
  6. Other Periodic Tables - Links to many periodic tables from the Catalyst.
  7. Periodic Table (pdf)

Information About Chemicals

  1. Chemdex - Excellent index to many chemistry resources.
  2. Chemfinder - A chemical database providing physical property data and 2D chemical structure.
  3. Molecular Weight Calculation - Type in a formula, get a weight.
  4. Abbreviations of Chemical Compounds -Type in the abbreviation, get the chemical.
  5. Acronyms of Chemical Compounds -Type in the acronym, get the chemical.
  6. Molecular Modeling - Mathematics modeling of molecules.
  7. Representation Models in Molecular Graphics - See 3D models on the web.
  8. Graph Chemical Properties - Graph various chemical properties using this resources
  9. Polymers - Educational and technical issues relating to polymer chemistry.
  10. Molecular Database -
  11. NIST Chemistry Webbook - National Institute of Standards and Technology: Data on more than 10,000 chemicals
  12. MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheets from MSDS National Repository
  13. Polymer Chemistry - Lawrence Livermore Lab resource for Grades 9-12.
  14. The Fisher Scientific Internet Catalog - Order chemicals on-line.