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How to Create a Classroom with Equity and Respect for Diversity

Culturally Responsive Teaching
Addresses educators of culturally and linguistically diverse learners, invites the perspectives of teachers and language minority learners, and provides research-based practices at both the classroom and systemic level that promote high achievement for linguistically diverse students.

Provides resources for educators, students, and activists to explore and discuss multicultural education; facilitate opportunities for educators to work toward self-awareness and development; and provide forums for educators to interact and collaborate toward a critical, transformative approach to multicultural education.

Gender-Equity in the Middle School Classroom
Through teacher professional development, student scientific-engagement, and parental awareness, we will work to foster gender-equity in the middle school classroom and increase young girls' self-concept and awareness of opportunities in science-related careers as well as enhance young boys' perceptions of females in science.

Money, Schools and Justice
State-by-state battle for funding equity gets mixed results By Stan Karp ITEM: In Oregon, budget crises.

Race and Education Teaching Resources
The online justice learning resources focuses on the topic of education and race by examining the U.S. Supreme Court decision fifty years after Brown v. Board of Education.

Rethinking Schools
This special edition of Rethinking Schools takes a hard look at how communities, schools, teacher unions, social justice groups and other key players are working to improve teacher quality, where they agree and where they differ, and where we go from here.

Teaching for Change
Provides teachers and parents with the tools to transform schools into socially equitable centers of learning where students become architects of a better future.

Teaching Kit for Middle and Upper Grades of the Civil Rights Movement
A teaching kit for middle and upper grades of the story of the struggle and heroism of the Civil Rights Movement is captured through historic news footage, the voices of participants and biographies of those who died in the struggle.

Tolerance.org is a principal online destination, with teacher resources, for people interested in dismantling bigotry and creating, in hate's stead, communities that value diversity.


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