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Culture and Language Learning

Alabama documents of the Civil Rights Movement
Many of the major events which defined the modern Civil Rights Movement took place in Alabama during the 1950s and 1960s. Concerted efforts to guarantee African Americans equal access to public and private transportation, schools, voting booths, economic opportunities, and housing caused tremendous social turmoil all over the South, where legal discrimination against black Americans was most pronounced. An excellent web site for teacher resources related to the Civil Rights Movement.

Caesar Chavez
The Chavez service-learning resource guides are aimed at engaging K-12 youth in high-quality service-learning programs based on Cesar’s ten core values by providing a step-by-step project module while allowing for individual creativity.

Center for Multilingual Multicultural Research

Electronic Magazine of Multicultural Education

Facing Histories
Facing history students learn the evils of hatred in history, then learn to face and change that hatred in their own world—through art, language, and service—and to begin to build communities of educated, committed citizens.

Presented in Spanish, this site is dedicated to providing services to the Hispanic community. It includes information about art, science, technology, education, society, culture, and tourism.

Internet Public Library Resources for African Americans
African-American History ... documents, stories, biographies, and commentaries, and a Teacher's Guide is provided.

National Association for Bilingual Education

National Council of Teachers of English

National Multicultural Institute

Native American Resources
Biography, bibliography, lesson plans, online etexts and critical reviews of selected authors whose works are taught in the public schools or at the university level related to Native Americans. Literature includes both adult and juvenile.

New York Times Justice Learning
Uses audio from the Justice Talking radio show and articles from The New York Times to teach students about reasoned debate and the often-conflicting values inherent in our democracy. Includes articles, editorials and oral debate from the nation's finest journalists and advocates.

Sonja Haynes Stone Center for Black Culture and History
The guide is a valuable resource for scholars and other researchers interested in African, African American, and African Diaspora history and culture. Over 800 sites are available in the searchable guide. The topics covered range from the underground railroad to hip hop music.


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