Audio Resources
Many students have asked me if there are recordings of Middle English
readings available. Here are some links to on-line recordings.
- Teach
Yourself to Read Chaucer's Middle English (Harvard Chaucer
Site): On-line tutorial on the late fourteenth-century London
variety of Middle English used by Chaucer. Still helpful for learning
to read other varieties of Middle English and for gaining familiarity
with sound and spelling correspondences.
- Chris
Baugh's Medieval English Narrator Site (University of Vermont):
Extracts from numerous medieval English texts with some explanatory
material and sound recordings. The section on romances
is especially useful (click
here to go to the table of contents).
- Chaucer Studio:
Commercial producer of audio and video recordings of Chaucer and
other Middle English poets. There are numerous samples on-line
and information for ordering products.