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Course Readings

Primary Printed Texts

  1. Beowulf, trans. Chickering (Available in University Bookshop)
  2. The Owl and the Nightingale, ed. Cartlidge (Available in University Bookshop)
  3. De Hamel, Scribes and Illuminators (Available in University Bookshop)
  4. The Canterbury Tales, ed. Beidler (Available in University Bookshop)

Primary Texts Online (Code for Electronic Reserves is 7787)

Note on the readings for 5 September

  1. Old English Riddles
  2. The Cædmon Story
  3. Poems from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (Electronic Reserves)
  4. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle in Old English
  5. Extracts from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle in translation (Electronic Reserves)
  6. The St Albans Psalter
  7. “Stond wel, Moder, under rode” §33
  8. Sir Orfeo and Introduction to Sir Orfeo

Secondary Texts Online

Note on the readings for 5 September

  1. O’Keeffe, “Transitional Literacy in Old English Verse” (Electronic Reserves)
  2. O’Keeffe, “Orality and the Developing Text of Cædmon’s Hymn (Electronic Reserves)
  3. Creed, “The Making of an Anglo-Saxon Poem” (JSTOR)
  4. Niles, “Ring Composition and the Structure of Beowulf (JSTOR)
  5. Niles, “Reconceiving Beowulf: Poetry as Social Praxis” (JSTOR)
  6. White, “Books of Hours and the Bridwell Hours”
  7. Holsinger, "Vernacular Legality" (Electronic Reserves)
  8. Dagenais, "Delcolonizing the Medieval Page" (Electronic Reserves)
  9. “What is mouvance?”; Case Study
  10. “What is a contrafactum
  11. Corrie, “Harley 2253, Digby 86, and the Circulation of Literature” (Electronic Reserves)
  12. Evans, “Sir Orfeo in Manuscript Context” (Electronic Reserves)
  13. Hilmo, “Framing the Canterbury Pilgrims for the Aristocratic Readers of the Ellesmere Manuscript” (Electronic Reserves)
  14. Parks, “Oral Tradition and the Canterbury Tales” (Electronic Reserves)
  15. Hanna, Compilatio and the Wife of Bath” (Electronic Reserves)


  1. Facsimile of the Paris Psalter (Oviatt Library, Special Collections)
  2. Facsimile of t he Parker Chronicle (Oviatt Library, Special Collections)
  3. Facsimile of the Peterborough Chronicle (Oviatt Library, Special Collections)
  4. The Ellesmere Chaucer -- Facsimiles of some pages (Long Island University)
  5. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, trans. Dorothy Whitelock (Oviatt Library)
  6. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, trans. Michael Swanton (Available in many bookshops and from Amazon.com)
  7. Andrew Galloway, Medieval Literature and Culture (Available from Amazon.com)
  8. The Oxford Illustrated History of Medieval England ( Available in many bookshops and from Amazon.com)


  1. Oxford English Dictionary (through Oviatt Library)
  2. Middle English Dictionary
  3. Joseph Bosworth and T. Northcote Toller, An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary:
  4. J.R. Clark Hall, A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary (Oviatt Library)
  5. Chicago Style Guide