Note: If access to some  databases and online publications is limited through web sites, try the CSUN Library web site: http://library.csun.edu and search under Databases A-Z or Electronic Periodicals for free access w/ your CSUN user ID & password. This is just a partial list of the growing universe of excellent web sites on education issues. If you have suggestions for additional useful web sites, please e-mail the  links to me at sauerbach2063@sbcglobal.net and thanks!

U.S. Education Policy, Issues, & Data

www.ed.gov                            U.S. Dept of Education
data, policy info, government reports, resources, links on wide variety of topics, + much free info for educators and parents

www.nces.ed.gov                    National Center for Educational Statistics
extensive site with tables, charts, reports: straightforward descriptive statistics on everything from national achievement tests (NAEP) to class size, teacher qualifications, college enrollment rates, etc.

www.eric.ed.gov                          Education Resource and Information Center     
huge education research database; see ERIC Digests (full text online) for short intros to various issues and trends in the field with bibliography (more focused searching in ERIC takes some training and can be time-consuming)

www.publicagenda.org          Public Agenda
national public opinion polls, research and reports exploring controversial issues in education and tracing trends among educators, parents, students, general public

www.edtrust.org                                                  Education Trust
national organization for closing the achievement gap, links to data at Education Watch Online and to Education Trust West (focus on California)

www.publiceducation.org                                    Public Education Network
National advocacy group for public schools and public education foundations.

www.civilrightsproject.harvard.edu                   Harvard Civil Rights Project
latest reports on segregation, desegregation, resegregation + general civil rights and education



California Education Policy, Issues, & Data

www.cde.ca.gov                     California Dept. of Education
includes data, reports, policies; information for educators, parents, etc.

www.edsource.org                                  EdSource
excellent, easily accessible information and resources on education issues affecting California, including changing demographics, achievement gap, language learners, school funding, politics

www.ed-data.k12.ca.us                                    Educational Data Partnership   
school and district profiles for every school/district in California with statistics comparing inputs and outcomes (e.g., test scores), with links to California Dept. of Education data

www.edtrustwest.org                             Education Trust West
advocacy organization for closing achievement gap, with focus on western U.S., especially California; data, reports, resources

www.justschoolscalifornia.org                  Just Schools
advocacy organization tracking policy and issues related to educational equity and social justice in California schools; has free daily listserv with California Education News Roundup from around the state http://justschools.gseis.ucla.edu/roundup/index.html

http://tcla.gseis.ucla.edu                       Teaching to Change L.A.
UCLA-sponsored web site written by local educators and activists about teaching for social justice, including descriptions of innovative programs and partnerships, lots of background info


Education Periodicals (general or practitioner)

See CSUN library web site http://library.csun.edu for access to many online sources. Plus a few direct links:

www.edweek.org                         “Education Week” (also in print)
national weekly newspaper of record of important events in education – you can register for free for access to “Hot Topics” and to search Ed Week Archives for background info on research topics – also links to Teacher Magazine

www.ascd.org/frameedlead.html      “Educational Leadership” (also in print)
national monthly magazine for administrators, variety of good short articles for trends and background on current issues in K12 ed

www.pdkintl.org/kappan/kappan.htm                       Phi Delta Kappan
national monthly magazine for educators, high quality short articles by experts

www.edutopia.org                            Edutopia
online magazine with descriptions of variety of model programs in K12 education

Education Periodicals (scholarly research, theory, debate)

See CSUN library web site http://library.csun.edu , and use your bar code on back of ID card for free access to many electronic journals.

Plus a few direct links:

www.tcrecord.org                                   Teachers College Record (also in print)
important journal that has recent issues available in full text online for free

http://edrev.asu.edu/                                                      Education Review
education book reviews, free access to all online

http://epaa.asu.edu/                                             Education Policy Analysis Archives
research articles, free access to all online


Multicultural/Anti-Bias Education

www.nps.gov/manz/forteachers/index.htm      Manzanar National Historic Site resources for teachers on the Japanese American internment 1942-1945

www.tolerance.org/teach         Teaching Tolerance Online (+ magazine)
anti-bias model projects, first person descriptions of programs/lessons, sections for teachers/students/parents, links – sponsored by Southern Poverty Law Center

www.rethinkingschools.org      Rethinking Schools (online + print publication)
one of the oldest and best known clearinghouses for information on education for social change, multicultural ed, anti-racist ed; various publications

http://tcla.gseis.ucla.edu                       Teaching to Change L.A.
UCLA-sponsored web site written by local educators and activists about teaching for social justice, including descriptions of innovative programs and partnerships, lots of background info

www.teachingforchange.org  National Coalition of Education Activists & NAME -
resources for K12 educators on multicultural education and teaching for social justice

www.inform.umd.edu/edRes/Topic/Diversity      University of Md. Diversity Database
large, well-organized database with numerous links; can be uneven in quality

www.nameorg.org                      National Association for Multicultural Education
conferences, publications, links

www.nabe.org                              National Association of Bilingual Education
conferences, publications, FAQs about bilingual ed, link to “Portraits of Success” web site with Brown Univ. describing some successful programs: www2.lab.brown.edu/NABE/portraits/taf

www.ncbe.gwu.edu                     National Clearinghouse on Bilingual Education

www.civilrightsproject.harvard.edu                   Harvard Civil Rights Project
latest reports on segregation, desegregation, resegregation + general civil rights and education

Parent/Family Involvement in Education

www.partnershipschools.org                          Network of Partnership Schools
Programs, training, materials, etc. for implementing Epstein’s partnership model.

www.finenetwork.org               Family Involvement Network of Educators, Harvard
Comprehensive site of Harvard Family Research Project, free monthly listserv with links to programs, research, cases.

www.pritchardcommittee.org            Pritchard Committee for Academic Excellence 
Parent leadership training, began w/ Kentucky school reform.

www.FamiliesInSchools.org                           Families in Schools                              
Local nonprofit organization, resources for parent and professional training.

www.communityschools.org                           Coalition for Community Schools
Reports and resources on community partnerships for full-service schools.

www.pta.org                                                                      National PTA
National standards for parent involvement, activities, links.

www.ncpie.org                 National Coalition for Parent Involvement in Education

www.pthvp.org                                         Parent-Teacher Home Visit Project
Sacramento-based national model for training and support of home visits by K12 teachers


School Reform (see also more specific topics)

www.annenberginstitute.org                    Annenberg Institute for School Reform
Research and resources for public engagement, shared accountability, urban school reform, etc.
www.ucla-idea.org              UCLA Institute for Democracy, Education & Access
Research and reports on current issues and trends in educational equity and access.
www.justschoolscalifornia.org                  Just Schools
advocacy organization tracking policy and issues related to educational equity and social justice in California schools; has free daily listserv with California Education News Roundup from around the state http://justschools.gseis.ucla.edu/roundup/index.html

http://tcla.gseis.ucla.edu                       Teaching to Change L.A.
UCLA-sponsored web site written by local educators and activists about teaching for social justice, including descriptions of innovative programs and partnerships, lots of background info

Charter Schools
www.publiccharters.org                        National Alliance for Public Charter Schools
Advocates for policy favorable to public charter schools “for those who need them most.”
www.edreform.com                  Center for Educational Reform
Research, resources, and advocacy in favor of charter schools.
www.nea.org/charter/                        National Education Association
Research and reports, more critical.
www.isbe.state.il.us/charter/Default.htm      National Study of Charter Schools
Link to U.S. Dept. of Education annual study of charter schools.