Welcome to Introduction to the Study of Religions Web Course

Congratulations! You are participating in one of the few CSUN religious studies courses to be offered with an online component. Online education provides unique opportunites for motivated students to avail themselves of a wide array of resources available on the internet and World Wide Web to explore the world's great religions.


Very high! CSUN students are expected to be a highly self-motivated, ingenious, and sometimes even ingenuous breed. You will want to check the assignments page regularly to be up-to-date and timely in your performance of the required tasks. For the most part, these tasks will be interesting, informative, and fun. For example, I will be asking you to do some field research in some selected religious paradigms. Fortunately, this can all be done at your local video store or even in libraries that carry videos. In turn, you can expect the instructor to be there for you as you plod and explore a gamut of considerations, concepts, and metaphysical constructs in your encounter with the world of religioous phenomena. Feel free to email me at anytime.

How to Begin:Click Away! click away... click away...Actually, you should bookmark the the course website since that will be your main access point to assignments and the all-important HyperNews Forums where most of the class interaction will take place. I will pose questions, tasks, provocative lectures, insights, and springboards to other venues within that most valuable tool. Make sure you read the directions well. (This is a kind of first test to see how well you follow instructions.) At any rate, welcome aboard. We are off on an important and exciting journey together.