There are basically three types of assignments: reading, viewing, and feedback.
Reading: Reading in a university course is of course a given. We will read books at well-timed and timely pace. However, you may want to read ahead so as to pace yourself for the longer haul. There are only three books and we have plenty of time to digest them properly.
Viewing: Part of your responsibilities for this course will be to watch videos, easily obtainable at your local video store, or, in some cases to go to a local theater .
Feedback: You will be given several opportunities to reflect on, comment upon, and analyze the reading and viewing material in this course. Not the least of these forums will be provided by the use of a computer either at home or in a lab. Thus, part of your course preparation will be to take the time to become computer-ready. I will try to help you get there. However, you are ultimately responsible to compose and send email, post messages via Hyper-News, and attend virtual class meetings online (if indeed we do schedule any). The ultimate form of feedback will be a small research paper you will write on some aspect of values in religion and culture.
Week 1
Read the first two chapters of Many Peoples, Many Faiths and the first chapter of The Sacred Quest. Do the HyperNews assignments. See you next Tuesday at 6: P.M. Week 2Read through chapter 5 in the Sacred Quest. Read the "Objectives" for Hinduism (ch. 3) and the actual chapter for Buddhism in Many Peoples, Many Faiths and do the accompanying supplemental exercises. View the video "Little Buddha" and respond to the HyperNews forum.Week 3
Read The Sacred Quest to its conclusion. Read the supplemental website selections for Ch. 6, 7, and 8 in Many Peoples, Many Faiths, do the supplemental exercizes, and read Ch. 8 in the actual book. Do the HyperNews assignment on "Jesus at the Movies" and take the simple little mid-term
Week 4
Do the new HyperNews. Read the in Many Peoples, Many Faiths
to the end of the book. So the supplemental exercizes. Week 5
Do the final HyperNews posting, catch up on everything else, finish writing you papers, prepare for the final on Thursday at 6: P.M. (The final will be drawn from the supplemental exercizes, utilizing only the "Fact Finder" exercizes in all the chapters except for Ch. 5, Dragon and Sun. In addition the 25 questions for the mid-term on The Sacred Quest will be reprised. Besides from a small essay section, that is it.) See you Thursday.