Research Interests
Mathematical Biology; Differetial
Equations; Applied Dynamical Systems
I am broadly interested in mathmatical modeling of biological
phenomena using such mathematical techniques as differential
equations (ODEs, PDEs, and DDEs). Recently I have also been
applying techniques from game theory to problems from mathematical
(preprints available by request)
Published or Accepted in Refereed Journals
Jing Li, Daniel Blakeley and Robert J. Smith?: The failure of R_0, Computational and Mathematical
Methods in Medicine. Volume 2011, Article ID 527610, doi:10.1155/2011/527610
- Jing Li
and Xingfu Zou: Dynamics of an epidemic model with
non-local infections for disease with latency over a patchy
environment, Journal of
Mathematical Biology, 60(2010): 645-686, doi:
Robert J. Smith?, Jing Li, Richard
Gordon, Jane M. Heffernan: Can we spend our
way out of the AIDS epidemic? A World Halting AIDS
Model. BMC
Public Health, 9(Suppl 1)(2009):S15
Jing Li
and Xingfu Zou: Modeling spatial spread of infectious diseases with a fixed
latent period in a spatially continuous domain. Bulletin of
Mathematical Biology, 71(2009), 2048-2079.
- Jing Li
and Xingfu Zou: Generalization of the Kermack-McKendrick SIR model to a
patchy environment for a disease with latency, Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena,
4(2009), No. 2, 92-118.
- Jing Li
Li Zhou: Existence and uniqueness of positive periodic solutions
of the Logistic equations with non-local boundary
conditions, Mathematica Applicata, 16(s) (2003), 155-160.
- Articles
Submitted, Preprints, Manuscripts in Preparation
Timothy C.
Reluga and Jing Li. Games of
age-dependent prevention for chronic infections by social distancing. in revision.
- Jing Li, Darla Lindberg, Rachel A
Smith, Timothy C. Reluga. A game theory approach to infectious disease
management policy through individual and government investments, under review.
Jing Li,
Vahid Anvari, Venkata
Duwuri, Heidi So, Tasha
Yovetich & Robert Smith?, A mathematical model to investigate
treatment policy for fluroquinolone drug resistance of
Gonorrhea, in revision.
Jing Li, Timothy C. Reluga. A
mixed-strategies game theoretical approach of health commons for an
infectious disease. in
- Non-Refereed
Jing Li,
Modeling the Dynamics of
Infectious Diseases with
Latency in Spatially Heterogeneous Environments, Ph.D. Thesis,
University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, 2008.
Jing Li,
The Positive Periodic
Solutions and Numerical Solutions of Logistic Equations with Nonlocal
Boundary Conditions, Master Thesis (Chinese), Huazhong
of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, P. R. China, 2003.
Invited talks in workshops, conferences, and seminars
- Intervene or not? The theory of health commons management for
infectious disease. Fall Southeastern Section Meeting, Wake Forest
University, Winston-Salem, NC, USA, Sept. 24-25, 2011.
A game theory approach to infectious disease management policy
through individual and government investments, 2011 Workshop for
Young Researchers in Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Biosciences
Institute, Columbus, OH, USA, Aug. 29 - Sept. 1, 2011.
A game theory approach examing infectious disease policy as a
function of government involvement and individual investment, the
SIAM student chapter seminar, Department of Mathematics, Penn State
University. March 31, 2011.
Generalization of the Kermack-McKendrick SIR model to a patchy
environment for a disease with latency, the Methodology Center, Penn
State University, Dec. 9, 2010.
Can we spend out way out of the AIDS epidemic? A world halting
AIDS model, CMS Summer 2010 Meeting, Fredericton, New Brunswick,
Canada, June 4 - 6, 2010.
Modeling spatial spread of infectious diseases with a fixed latent
period in a spatially continuous domain, Society of Mathematical
Biology Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 27-30, 2009.
Dynamics of an epidemic model with non-local infections for
diseases with latency over a patchy environment, CAIMS 2009 Annual
meeting, London, Ontario, Canada, June 10-14, 2009.
Generalization of the Kermack-McKendrick SIR model to a patchy
environment for a disease with latency, Mathematical Immunology of
Infectious Diseases, Banff, Alberta, Canada, May 17 - 22, 2009.
Dynamics of an epidemic model with non-local infections for diseases
with latency over a patchy environment, CMS Winter 2008 Meeting,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Dec. 6 - 8, 2008.
An epidemic model with population dispersal and a fixed latent
period, CMS Winter 2006 Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada,
Dec. 9-11, 2006.
The traveling wave solutions of nonlinear reaction-advection
equations, International Conference on Recent Developments in
Differential Equations and Applications, Guangzhou University,
Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, P.R.China, July 17-21, 2006.
Copyright © 2009 Jing Li