Deutsche Version
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On our second day in in Budapest we explored the city on our own, on foot. The Mia had docked near the center of town, which is strictly for pedestrians and we were able to leisurely walk to St. Stepen's cathedral

Bogen The heroes memorial

bogen nightThe heroes memorial at night -Birgit claims that I am standing infront of the memorial


St. Stephen's Cathedral


Fischerbastei (a monumental sightseeing platform)


Fischerbastei bei Nacht

Fischerbastei and St. Mathew's church at night

Kettenbruecke bei Nacht The famous chain bridge

Column of Victory by day and night

Saeule  Saeule Nacht

Saeule detail nacht Detail of the hero's column - at Night

Parlament Parliament


Heilige Stephan St. Stephen, founder and first king of Hungary

Strassenszene in Budapest Streetszene in Budapest

Gellertberg Gellerthill with fortress and freedom monument

After lunch we left Budapest, beginning our return trip - next stop Bratislava, Slovakia


Oettingen Heidenheim Donaufahrt Vienna Esztergom Budapest Bratislava Melk  Messel