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Text onlystern Dr. Lundblad Accounting All Stars   Accounting 351





Communication Assignmentslast updated: 4/1/10


    for log in instructionsd and password: FASBcodificationaccess

    Using the FASB codification - to log in: http://aaahq.org/ascLogin.cfm

Accounting 351 and 351com share several assignments. They are designed to provide you with the opportunity to

  1. Research a variety of accounting topics using authoritative data (e.g., FARS, SEC, EDGAR, etc.).
  2. Analyze unstructured accounting problems (cases).
  3. Identify and evaluate alternative possible solutions to accounting questions.
  4. Provide a justification for a solution to an accounting issue that is suppported by appropriate citations and references to the authoritative literature.
  5. Communicate the results of your research and analysis in a professional manner

The Assignments:

I. Research Questions Spring Semester 2010:

II. Cases


Case 3: Twisto-Loop (due 4/13) - Writing Prompt for Case 3


For all CASE Assignments be sure to do the following:

  1. Download the Critical Thinking Grading Rubric
  2. Type in your name and the accounting/communication code (The relevant codes are shown below) If you are repeating Accounting 351 but not the 351COM class your code is "R"
  3. Attach the rubric to the FRONT of your paper. Failure to do so will result in a deduction of five (5) points If you are repeating Acct 351 and are not enrolled in a COM class your code is R
  4. Attach the case brief after your references but before the excerpts (case 2 and 3)
  5. Select and copy excerpts from the accounting standards ASC (FASB - codification site):To access: http://aaahq.org/ascLogin.cfm that support your discussion/conclusion.
  6. Attach the excerpts to the BACK of your paper Failure to do so will result in a deduction of five (5) points
  7. Submit the package (grading rubric, paper, excerpts) to your Acct 351 instructor
  8. Prepare a second copy for your communication instructor. Make sure to enter the code on that paper as well. Failure to place the code on your papers will result in a grade deduction in Acct 351COM
  1. Case 1: Windsor Grey Star Farms II

    Writing Prompt for Case 1


  2. Case 2: Aluminex (Due:3/23 ) Writing prompt for case 2
  3. Frequently asked questions and answers - Revised
  4. newGroup Report: (Due: 4/27) Writing prompt

Each assignment will be graded in Accounting 351 for technical content and in Accounting 351com for communication skills. However, be aware that although your grade in Accounting 351 is primarily concerned with the technical adequacy of your report, it must be written in an appropriate manner to be acceptable. In other words, you may fail this assignment even if your technical information is (perhaps) adequate, but if you fail to communicate properly, you cannot receive credit. Conversely, no matter how brilliant your writing skills, if the technical content is wrong, you will fail. Make sure to reviewe the Critical Thinking Grading Rubric for Accounting 351. Detailed Instructions on how to research and communicate the results of your research will be provided in your Accounting 351com class.

For all Assignments be sure to include your name and the following accounting/communication code (Below are the codes for students enrolled in Accounting 351 with professor Lundblad:)

Required Class Codes

351/ 351 Com

M, W 2:00 pm

M, W 3:30 pm

W 7 pm

Th: 7:00 pm

351 T 7 pm 1A 1B 1C 1D

351 W 7 pm

2A 2B   2D
351 M, W 2 pm   3B 3C 3D
351 M, W 3:30 pm 4A   4C 4D


Questions: Any questions regarding the assignments MUST be posted on the Accounting 351 webCT discussion page. Faculty will answer questions only in writing on the discussion page to ensure consistency across sections of the course.

Instructional Powepoint file on how to access the ASC and how to research accounting questions

Contact Information

Email: heidemarie.lundblad@csun.edu - Notice: I do not read or answer email from unidentified sources.

sternDepartment of Accounting Office: Juniper Hall JH3123

Department Telephone Number: (818) 677-2461

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