To this end, I imagine walking into a Burkean parlor,
actually various digital Burkean parlors, virtual MOOparlors, virtual, in that
this hypetext can only approximate, (re)present what a MOO conversation might look like.
It cannot come close to the experience itself. Yet this "reflection in tranquility,"
may prove helpful to those who have yet to MOO, offering quieter waters of a cove,
rather than the storm at sea. I hope new intersections become apparent as I
mixmaster these theorists into the thick of things. Each conversation below is an
interpretive stance on my part, a way of juxtaposing similar, different, or related theories,
in order to take a look at how they mesh or clash. They are, for me, Bakhtin's
polyglossia, and only come alive for me when "dramatically" enacted in a given situation.
I have attempted to keep each quote as close to its originating context as possible,
yet concede that in some cases, I may have tweaked some situations or words for my own ends.
Such is the bread and butter of interpretation, ever contextual, ever contending, ever
changing. However, I will
provide an opportunity for others to add their voices well. At the end of each
conversation, you will find a space for your comments, a place to "put in your oar."
In fact, you can grab an oar and dip here if you like. I must also admit that I am looking for areas of "consubstantiality" at this point, knowing
full well the "inevitable, yeah but" will arise. I imagine KB walking
into a virtual parlor...
You see a sign with room listings.
Not Necessarily the Beginning |
Not Necessarily the Middle |
Not Necessarily the End |
Tavern OnGoingLogue |