Web Project for English M01B
A Checklist for the minumum personal objects
- Self: Your MOO character
- Home: Your character should have @sethome
- Annotated Bibliography (AKA URL Room)
- paper #1: registered in a cabinet designated by the class.
- paper #2 registered in a cabinet designated by the class.
- paper #3: stored in appropriate case study area and registered in a cabinet designated by the class.
Evaluation of Case Study Project
- Development:
- All descriptions should be adequate and appropriate for character, home, rooms and objects, especially bots.
- Organization and Editing:
- Exits should be named appropriately and function correctly.
- At least one exit from main case study project room to central class room.
- Papers should be filed (registered) with appropriate names in appropriate categories.
- Papers should be edited after cutting and pasting so they are readable with appropriate paragraphing and polishing.
Evaluation of annotated bibliography rooms
- The room name and description should match the topic material.
- The room description should offer a clear context for the resources.
- Annotations should offer some summary and include a sound evaluation of each source.
- All five links should work.
- The citation lines should follow Walkers's Online citation format
- Exits should be clear, easy to use and function correctly.
Some additional help files:
- Help sheet passed out at the beginning of the semester.
- Help on using bots.
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