Responding to Literature
Description: Students will practice interpreting, analyzing or drawing conclusions using the short stories, essays and poetry we have read so far. They should be mindful of dividing their object of study into analytical components and constructing an interpretation that critiques, challenges, or questions commonly purveyed attitudes about the thematic material, symbols or genre we have discussed in class.
This writing may not exceed 4 pages double spaced (1000 words), including any necessary
explanation or description of what you are responding to. So be CLEAR, concise, and FOCUSED. HINT: This is where succinct "signal phrases" come in handy. See your handbook.
The final draft will be double spaced, follow MLA format and include a Works Cited page. Missing drafts or workshops will lower the final grade by one point for each missing draft or workshop session.
Topic Suggestions
- Locate a major theme or symbol in any of the readings to date.
- Evaluate a claim made by any of the writers so far. How does the author make the claim in either poetry, fiction or essay? How convincing is the claim? Be sure to use a clear criteria for judging your material.
Propose your own topic based one one of the readings combined with a specific focus from either LIT or RL.
Due Dates:
- Oct 2: Complete Rough Draft (3 pages, typed)
- Oct 11: Final Draft with all drafts, worksheets and self evaluation in a pocket folder.
You may send questions to the class MOO *List.
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