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Appear to be naturally occurring stages in most children’s writing/spelling. Encoding is a mirror of processes being used to decode.
Stage 1 Random or pre-literate stage - Early writing scribbling but may use letters may be used but selected randomly - may begin to use letters to represent some sounds RBT (semi-phonetic)
Stage 2 - Phonetic stage or letter name stage - Most sounds heard in the word are represented by letters. Some are incorrect, but still reasonable.
Stage 3 - Transitional stage - Children called within word spellers. Vowels in each word though not always correct Sometimes spell according to how words look rather than how they sound. Begin to use conventions of spelling. (TIPE)
Stage 4 Syllable-juncture - Able to spell multi- syllabic words as well as most single syllable words. Difficulty with more complex rules of spelling
Stage 5 Conventional spelling (incorporate rules from other languages