Technology Training Guides


Internet Access @ CSUN

Following is a mini-guide to gaining access to the Internet (email, the World Wide Web, etc.) at CSUN.

Account Needed

Whether you want to use electronic mail or browse the World Wide Web, the first thing you need is an account which allows you access to the University's data network. See Obtaining a Campus Account for instructions.

Internet Options

Once you have an account, a number of options are open to you. You may log directly in to your account from a student computer workroom on campus and use any of the Unix-based options available, including email (Pine Mail). Netscape, a graphical Web browser, is also available for use in student computer workrooms. 

Using appropriate communications software on your home computer you can either log directly in to your account for text-based access to the Internet or make a point-to-point protocol (PPP) connection and use a graphical Web browser (such as Netscape) to browse the World Wide Web and send and receive email messages (among other things). 

Information Sheets Available

The following information sheets are available to help you obtain an account and use the method(s) you prefer for accessing the Internet.


If you have questions, contact the ITR Help Desk at (818) 677-1400, or send email to helpdesk@csun.edu




August 14, 2003

Page maintained by User Support Services


ITR's technology training guides are the property of California State University, Northridge. They are intended for non-profit educational use only. Please do not use this material without citing the source.