Connecting to CSUN Using Windows NT 4.0 Dial-Up Networking

PLEASE NOTE: These instructions are for users who already have a Web browser installed on their computer (e.g., Netscape or Microsoft Explorer).

Before you begin make sure you know your account information:

  • Your user name (i.e., account number xyz12345, for example)
  • Your password
Also, please note that the dial-in telephone number is (818) 677-6700.

Step 1. Verify that the TCP/IP protocol is installed.

In order for your computer to connect to the Internet, the TCP/IP network protocol must be installed.
  1. Double click the My Computer icon.
  2. Double click the Control Panel icon.
  3. Double click the Network icon.
  4. If TCP/IP (or TCP/IP and Dial-Up Adapter) is listed, skip to Step 2.

Installing the TCP/IP protocol

If the TCP/IP protocol is not already installed, follow the steps below. Note that you may need your Windows NT 4.0 installation CD.
  1. Double click the My Computer icon.
  2. Double click the Control Panel icon.
  3. Double click the Network icon.
  4. Click the Protocols tab and click the Add button.
  5. Select Protocol and then Add.
  6. In the list of manufacturers on the left, select Microsoft.
  7. In the list of items on the right, select TCP/IP.
  8. When finished click OK.
  9. You will see TCP/IP listed under Network Components. Click the OK button and then the Yes button to restart your computer.
Your computer will start copying files. It may prompt you for your Windows NT 4.0 CD. Once the process is complete, your computer will restart.

Step 2. Verify that Dial-Up Networking is installed.

Double click My Computer and then double click Dial Up Networking. If Dial-Up Networking is listed, proceed with Step 3.

If Dial Up Networking is not installed, a Dial Up Networking dialog box will open saying: "Dial Up Networking is currently uninstalled. Press Install to install and configure." Click on Install. This process will also auto-detect the modem.

Step 3. Set up the connection icon.

  1. Double click the Dial Up Networking icon within My Computer.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • If you have run Dial Up Networking before, click New to create a new phonebook entry for CSUN.
    • If this is the first time you have run Dial Up Networking, you will receive the following message - "The phonebook is empty. Press OK to add an entry." Click OK.
  3. Under Name The New Phonebook Entry, type a name for the ISP - e.g. CSUN, and then click Next.
  4. Click the I Am Calling the Internet check box to select it, and then click Next.
  5. Under Phone Number, type 677-6700 (if you are not in the '818' area code you will need to include the area code). Note: Dial-in is not allowed from phone numbers with caller ID blocked. You don't have to enable caller ID permanently, just each time you make a modem connection. The code for enabling caller ID may be included in your dial-up string (as in *82,6776700, where *82 is the caller ID code).
  6. Click Next, and then click Finish and your icon will be created.

Step 4. Set the dial-up properties.

  1. After clicking Finish in the previous step, click More, and then click Edit Entry And Modem Properties.
  2. Click the Server tab. Ensure that Dial-up Server Type is set to PPP, Windows NT, Windows 95 Plus, Internet.
  3. Click TCP/IP Settings and do the following:
    1. In the PPP TCP/IP Settings dialog box, select Specify Name Server Addresses
    2. After clicking Specify name server addresses and enter the following information:
      • Primary DNS:
      • Secondary DNS:
    1. Check both Use IP header compression and Use default gateway on remote network, then click OK.
  4. Click OK again to finish. 

Step 5. (Optional) Create a Dial-Up Shortcut on Your Desktop

Creating a dial-up shortcut on your desktop will give you quick access to dial-up to CSUN.
  1. Select the connection you just created in the Dial-Up Networking window by clicking it once.
  2. In the menu bar of the window, click on File and then choose Create Shortcut
  3. A window will appear telling you that it could not create a shortcut and will ask you if you want to place the shortcut on the desktop instead. Click Yes.

Step 5. Dial in and get connected.

To use a web browser such as Internet Explorer or Netscape, or to check your mail through telnet, you must first get connected (as described below).
Note: Your Windows NT 4.0 computer comes with a copy of Internet Explorer. However, if you would prefer to use Netscape Navigator or Communicator, you can download a copy of these programs from the Netscape Website
  1. Double-click on the connection you created:
    • If you created a shortcut on your desktop, double-click the icon. 
    • If there is no connection icon on the desktop, click the Start button, choose Programs, choose Accessories, and then choose Dial-Up Networking. You should now see the connection you created in the Dial-Up Networking window. Double-click the connection icon.
  2. On the next screen, for the User name type your CSUN network account login ID (e.g., xyz12345) and for the Password type the password for that account.
  3. If you did not already configure the dial-up connection to remember your username and password, you can do so now by checking the Save password box.
  4. Click the OK button and then your modem should start dialing. It will then tell you that it is Verifying User name and Password and then it should connect you. 
Once you are connected you should see two small computers beside the time on the bottom right hand corner of the screen. Now you can use your web browser or a telnet program.


If have questions about this procedure or problems dialing in, please contact the University Help Desk at (818) 677-1400.


Page maintained by User Support Services

August 27, 2002