April 30, 2007. Banded gecko research by former MS student Jennifer Lancaster, faculty members Dr. Paul Wilson and Dr. Robert Espinoza, has once again received international attention. This time their research appears in a German aquarium magazine Aquaristik Fachmagazin, volume 194, (April/May 2007), p. 106. (article)
March 12, 2007. Taiwan takes note of Marine Biology at CSUN. Dr. Peter Edmunds and his students were interviewed by one of the Taiwan newspapers about the effect of ocean temperature and currents on corals near Kenting, Taiwan. The article reports Dr. Edmunds findings that global climate change has not yet significantly endangered the corals in that region because of the temperature and flow of ocean currents there. (article)
Feb. 15, 2007. Research on grouping behavior in banded geckos by former CSUN student Jennifer Lancaster and faculty Dr. Paul Wilson and Dr. Robert Espinoza has made international news on a German news paper "Die Zeit" http://www.zeit.de/2007/08/BdW. (pdf of article)
Feb. 13, 2007 CSUN press release: "CSUN Biologist Wins Fulbright Grant for Research in Argentina". We congratulate Dr. Robert Espinoza for being awarded a prestigious Fulbright Grant to investigate cold tolerance in lizards in Argentina.
Jan. 18, 2007 "CSUN Biologist Offers Guide to California Beetles". Our local newspaper, the Valley News, has written a story covering Dr. Jim Hogue's recent pulblication Field Guide to Beetles of California.
Nov. 29, 2006. CSUN Daily Sundial article on our Biodiversity Center "CSUN Biodiversity Center Remains Unknown".
Nov. 22, 2006 CSUN Daily Sundial article: "Bring Your Thanksgiving to the Outdoors this Year".
Nov. 8, 2006. CSUN Daily Sundial article: "CSUN Professors Break into Podcasting with Lectures".
Nov. 1, 2006. In a news article " Scientist Says Large Coral Disappearing", the Associated Press has interviewed Dr. Peter Edmunds on the causes of decline of large coral. The article has appeared in many national newspapers and news websites. The article can be read here.
Jennifer Lancaster's master’s thesis on why the banded gecko groups has been covered by the BCC and on KPCC, L.A.’s public radio affiliate (this segment of the Loh Down on Science is available as Real Audio here)
Summer 2006. Former MS student Diego Sustaita and faculty Dr. Fritz Hertel have an article on bite and grip performance in North American hawks and falcons published in Raptor Watch published by Hawkwatch International, a non-profit naturalist group based in Salt Lake City, Utah. (Publication)
The Ocean Channel did a segment on the coral reef work being done by CSUN faculty and students. Dr. Peter Edmunds tells about how the health of the reef is being monitored on a generational time scale and how research is being done to understand the mechanisms behind change (you can watch the quicktime clip here)