Valley Nonprofit Resources

  • VNR Logo green background with San Fernando Valley Skyline

Positive Attitudes About Money: Tools for Nonprofit Leaders

Thursday, April 20, 2023 - 4:00pm to 5:30pm


Leaders of nonprofits (of all sizes) often have longstanding personal beliefs about money which interfere with fundraising effectiveness and with good program decisions - from giving staff raises to expanding services or facilities. Nonprofit leaders (administrators, board members, and staff) can benefit from evidence-based tools that promote a “positive money mindset” – meditation (to calm the mind and body when fearful/worried/anxious about money), positive affirmations (building capacity to attract the right resources for the organizational mission), and visualizations (focusing on a capital campaign, an important funding proposal, etc. - world class athletes routinely use visualization to mentally rehearse before competitions). This free workshop will be led by Hazel Ortega, school psychologist, millionaire entrepreneur, and founder of nonprofit High Tide Global, an innovative youth development program.  It will be facilitated by VNR co-Executive Director, Dr. Alejandra Acuña, and will include both demonstrations of these special tools and lively audience discussion.