Faculty Development

  • New Faculty Foundations banner

New Faculty Foundations

New Faculty Foundations: Building Blocks for Success banner

Congratulations on your position!

If you have recently accepted an offer to join CSUN as a new professor (tenure-track & lecturers), congratulations on behalf of the Office of Faculty Development! This is an exciting moment and we can't wait to meet you. We appreciate that getting oriented to your new job doesn't happen in a single day, event or even in one semester. Our job in Faculty Development is to help you navigate this important career transition. Think of us as your New Faculty Hub. You don't have to do this process alone and we want you to have the smoothest transition possible so you can fulfill your career dreams here at CSUN.

Let's get started! 

New Faculty Foundations

The four building blocks of our New Faculty Foundations programming include:

book icon

New Faculty Handbook

It takes more than coming to an orientation to get situated in your new job. This New Faculty Handbook provides critical and relevant resources related to moving to the area, being a CSUN employee and kick starting your teaching, scholarship and service at CSUN effectively. Access this information at any time. 

card with an icon of a person giving a lecture

New Faculty Orientation

We offer a formal orientation event, one for tenure-track faculty and one for lecturer faculty each semester before the semester begins so you have what you need before the first week of the semester. Learn more about these events and RSVP. 

card with an icon of shaking hands

New Faculty Reconnection

As a mid-point to your first year, every January we reconnect to continuing building relationships and dive deeper into more timely and nuanced topics we didn't have time for during orientation. RSVP and learn more about this event. 

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New Faculty Academy

This year-long program provides a friendly community with monthly sessions to supplement what you need to engage in a smooth start to your new job at CSUN. Completing this program can result with a formal certificate, perfect for your first evaluation!


You are represented by the California Faculty Association, a union of 29,000 professors, lecturers, librarians, counselors and coaches who teach in the California State University system. In classrooms on the 23 CSU campuses, CFA members work hard to teach our students.
To join, as an active member with rights to vote and engage fully on behalf of yourself and others, go to: https://www.calfac.org/join-cfa/.

Meet Some of the Past Cohorts

Meeting new faculty is one the moments that bring the most joy for our team. Meet some of the faces of new faculty cohorts we had the pleasure to help onboard in past celebratory events:

2022-2023 Padlet

2021-2022 Padlet 

2020-2021 Padlet

2018-2019 Cohort

2017-2018 Cohort

2015-2016 Cohort

2014-2015 Cohort  |  View our 2014 - 2015 New Faculty Yearbook (.pdf)

2013-2014 Cohort  |  View our 2013 - 2014 New Faculty Yearbook (.pdf)


Where is FacDev located?

Valera Hall 215 (formerly University Hall)
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8473


How can I contact FacDev?



Who are the people in FacDev?

FacDev Base Team
Faculty Affiliates
Faculty Peer Reviewers
New Faculty Foundations Committee
Pathways to Tenure Grant Review Committee
Active Learning Ambassadors
eLearning Ambassadors