Faculty Development

  • The word Funding in white text against a grey background

Faculty Success Program Grant

Funding Temporarily Unavailable

Due to the current CSU budgetary constraints, this grant has been temporarily paused for the 2025-2026 academic year. While it is unknown when this grant will be made available again, we will update this page when funding becomes available again.  

About this Grant

Faculty who apply for and participate in the Faculty Success Program (FSP) will receive coaching with the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD). This competitive peer-reviewed internal CSUN grant provides support to Assistant and Associate level faculty members support in moving forward with their scholarship, research, or creative activities while balancing all other demands of their career, including wellbeing. The proposed project must make a case on how it will aid in meeting the qualifications for retention, tenure, or promotion. 

Requests for Proposals & Deadline (on pause)

Once this grant is re-activated, we will invite faculty at the Assistant and Associate Professor level to apply for the Faculty Success Program Grant opportunity. This opportunity requires that your department chair and dean provide signatures before the due date. Learn more details about this grant below.

Grant Information

What is the Faculty Success Program Grant?

The Faculty Success Program Grant is supported by the Division of Academic Affairs and administered by the Office of Faculty Development. It is designed to assist both tenure-track faculty in their first through fifth years in meeting the qualifications for retention, tenure, or promotion as well as to support Associate Professors as they continue to build on their scholarship, research, or creative activities. Each awardee will participate in a 12 week coaching program through the Faculty Success Program with the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD). Funding to support this grant is dependent on final review of the 2025-2026 budget. 

If you have questions, you may contact Faculty Development at facdev@csun.edu

What will I get through the Faculty Success Program? How will this help me in my professional work here at CSUN?

Tuition for Coaching with the Faculty Success Program (FSP)

This option supports faculty members who have a project at the stage where they can write every day and are interested in changing their approach to time management. The Faculty Success Program (FSP) is a 12-week online program designed to help faculty develop “the skills necessary to increase research and writing productivity while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.” FSP participants attend weekly small-group meetings with a certified coach and complete learning modules and mini tasks in line with their research goals. They can expect to dedicate 4-5 hours per week to meet the program requirements. You can learn more about the program on their website. CSUN faculty who completed this program reported transformational impact such as: 

  • “At the beginning of the semester (and in reality, the whole time I’ve been at CSUN) I was feeling pretty disillusioned with my role as an assistant professor even though there are parts of the job that I enjoy. Writing has always been one of the more difficult aspects to find time and motivation to do, but the program provided me with tools, such as weekly planning meetings and a semester strategic plan, that made me feel like I was no longer stuck.”
  • “The strategic plan (SP) and weekly plans (WPs) were transformative in helping me actually get writing and other tasks done. I didn’t realize how inefficient I was in completing writing goals on time. As a testament to how well the SP and WPs worked for me, I submitted a manuscript I had been working on the last year/year-and-a-half!”

Who is eligible to apply?

Tenure-track faculty in their first through fifth years are eligible to for this award as well as Associate Professors. 

Individuals in their first and second years and those who have received awards under this program may receive awards, but priority will be given to those in their third through fifth years, Associate Professors preparing for promotion, and those who have not yet received a Pathways to Tenure Grant (or its predecessor, a Probationary Faculty Support Program Grant).

What is the review process?

Proposals will be evaluated by the Faculty Development Grant Selection Committee, consisting of CSUN faculty from each college and former Faculty Success Program awardees. The committee recommends projects for funding to the Director of Faculty Development.

What types of projects are supported?

The proposed project should initiate and make progress towards scholarship, research, publications, creative works or any project that the department & college personnel committee will value as an artifact counting towards the area Section 600 describes as Scholarly Contributions to the Field of Study. 

NOTE: Because the FSP training helps faculty members cultivate a daily writing practice, proposed projects for applicants requesting FSP tuition must involve developing research the applicant has already initiated.

What are the evaluation criteria?

Significance and broader implications:

  • Does the proposal provide evidence that the project will make a significant contribution to the faculty member’s success (i.e. does the faculty member clearly demonstrate how this project with contribute to their RTP)?
  • Does the proposal provide evidence that the project will contribute to the applicant’s field of study and/or the field of pedagogy?
  • Does the proposal provide evidence on how this project can benefit CSUN students’ learning (directly or indirectly)?

Prospects for success:

  • Does the applicant’s submitted CV provide evidence of the applicant’s ability to conduct the project?
  • Is the project developed significantly enough to be able to commit to a daily writing practice related to the project?
  • Is the timeline realistic for substantial progress to be made on the project?
  • Does the project contain a plan for future publication, submission and/or peer review plans? 

If the applicant has received previous support from the Pathways to Tenure Grant (or its predecessor, the Probationary Faculty Support Program), did they utilize the award effectively? Did they complete the requisite report(s)?


  • Is the problem the scholarship direction address clearly presented (e.g., strong rationale, significance of the problem)? Hint: strong proposals are easily understood by your colleagues outside your department/college/discipline.
  • Are the project’s outcomes clearly identified?
  • Are the format requirements met?
  • Is the application cover sheet complete, including requisite signatures?

What about support programming?

Faculty Development has several offerings aimed toward faculty grant winners on topics relevant to your work, including writing productivity, grant-writing workshops (for both CSUN and external grants), faculty writing communities, and one-on-one consulting on projects. While not required to attend, grant winners are encouraged to take advantage of the resources we have and will be given “first option” when we are signing up participants.

What is the timeline?

February 17, 2025

  • Application materials must be submitted by email to facdev@csun.edu by 4:00 PM.
  • Please send one email that contains two PDF documents:
    • One file containing a completed cover sheet with required signatures
    • One file containing your proposal narrative. This file should contain your Project Title but not your name or any other identifying information.

Early-April 2024     

  • Awards announced

Fall 2025 OR Spring 2026        

  • Faculty member participates in FSP training in the Fall or Spring. Evaluations are due within one month of the end of the training.

Program Final Evaluation

  • Recipients who receive this award are required to complete an evaluation within one month of the end of the training.



Samples of successful proposals

Sample Proposals 

Coming Soon


What is required of me after I complete my project?

Awardees for 2024-2025 and for 2025-2026

Recipients who receive tuition for FSP are required to complete an evaluation within one month of the end of the training.

Application directions and documents

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Monday, February 17, 2025 at 4:00 PM. 

Please send your application to facdev@csun.edu.

Your email should contain two PDF documents:

  • One document containing a completed cover sheet with required signatures.
  • One document containing your proposal narrative and supporting material. This file should contain your Project Title but not your name or any other identifying information

Late applications will not be considered for funding. Applications that do not meet these formatting guidelines will not be accepted.

Application Documents

  • PDF fillable with directions, cover page, and signature page here.
  • PDF fillable with cover page and signature page only here.
  • Word version here (directions only).