Community Engagement

Want A Voice?

Tuesday, October 30, 2018 - 11:00am to 1:30pm

Oviatt’s Ferman Presentation Room

With only a few weeks left until the mid-term election, it’s time to get ready to vote! Students from Journalism’s News Literacy and Communication Studies’ Advanced Public Speaking courses will facilitate a two-day election prep event for our CSUN community called the California Voter Forum. Their goal is to inform students about the propositions and candidates by deconstructing political ad techniques and complicated ballot language in order to provide a voter-friendly, critical-thinking guide to the November ballot. 

This event will be held in Oviatt’s Ferman Presentation Room Tuesday October 30th and Wednesday October 31st. Each day will cover the same issues. We encourage you to share this event with your courses, have students RSVP on the Oviatt Library homepage banner, and either provide extra credit for attendance or bring your entire class! We will have a sign-in sheet for students who attend.  

We have attached a flyer with more information. Here are links to RSVP