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Events: Workshop

Subscribe to Upcoming Events

Summer Session 3 Classes Begin, 2024

Wednesday, July 10, 2024 - 6:00am

Summer Term icon

Classes for Summer Session 3 (second 6 weeks) begin. Late schedule changes and wait listing continue online through the second Friday of classes. Read more

Tips to Enhance Your Panopto Lectures

Wednesday, July 10, 2024 - 10:00am to 11:00am


Looking to Enhance Your Course's Original Video Content? Meet with our Lecture Capture Coordinator as they show off some more ways to design engaging Panopto videos for your students!

  • Learn where and how to add clips, documents, websites, quiz questions, and more.
  • Organize, edit, and create a permanent and accessible sharing space for your videos.
  • Repurpose your existing video content by uploading it to Panopto and adding more depth to it in the process.
Read More About Tips to Enhance Your Panopto Lectures

Tips to Enhance Your Panopto Lectures

Wednesday, July 10, 2024 - 10:00am to 11:00am


Looking to Enhance Your Course's Original Video Content? Meet with our Lecture Capture Coordinator as they show off some more ways to design engaging Panopto videos for your students!

  • Learn where and how to add clips, documents, websites, quiz questions, and more.
  • Organize, edit, and create a permanent and accessible sharing space for your videos.
  • Repurpose your existing video content by uploading it to Panopto and adding more depth to it in the process.
Read More About Tips to Enhance Your Panopto Lectures

Tips to Enhance Your Panopto Lectures

Wednesday, July 10, 2024 - 10:00am to 11:00am


Looking to Enhance Your Course's Original Video Content? Meet with our Lecture Capture Coordinator as they show off some more ways to design engaging Panopto videos for your students!

  • Learn where and how to add clips, documents, websites, quiz questions, and more.
  • Organize, edit, and create a permanent and accessible sharing space for your videos.
  • Repurpose your existing video content by uploading it to Panopto and adding more depth to it in the process.
Read More About Tips to Enhance Your Panopto Lectures
