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Events: Professional Development

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Featured Events

FacDev Lounge Hours in FacDev Commons

Monday, October 21, 2024 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm

FacDev Commons interior

FacDev Commons is an innovative space serving CSUN faculty! It is located on the Garden Level of University Library (UL) in Room UL 3. Experiences in FacDev Commons are aligned with FacDev’s mission to support faculty in their teaching, scholarship, service, leadership, and balance & well-being journeys. In this space, faculty will build community with each other and engage with the space by learning and innovating together, creating ideas with others, supporting each other, working on their own projects, and focusing on their wellbeing by resting and relaxing. 

Faculty members can use the space during FacDev Lounge Hours in an informal way, such as to grade papers, eat lunch, chat with colleagues, work on a project, have meetings with a small group, or simply rest and relax. There is no need to make a reservation to come to FacDev Lounge Hours. Read more

FacDev Lounge Hours in FacDev Commons

Tuesday, October 22, 2024 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm

FacDev Commons interior

FacDev Commons is an innovative space serving CSUN faculty! It is located on the Garden Level of University Library (UL) in Room UL 3. Experiences in FacDev Commons are aligned with FacDev’s mission to support faculty in their teaching, scholarship, service, leadership, and balance & well-being journeys. In this space, faculty will build community with each other and engage with the space by learning and innovating together, creating ideas with others, supporting each other, working on their own projects, and focusing on their wellbeing by resting and relaxing. 

Faculty members can use the space during FacDev Lounge Hours in an informal way, such as to grade papers, eat lunch, chat with colleagues, work on a project, have meetings with a small group, or simply rest and relax. There is no need to make a reservation to come to FacDev Lounge Hours. Read more

Transparent Assignments (Meeting 3 of 4)

Wednesday, October 23, 2024 - 10:00am to 12:00pm

Open Book Icon

Do you find it challenging to manage course content while also addressing unanticipated student questions about completing assignments? Would you like to learn how to develop strong writing prompts, communicate clear expectations, and provide better scaffolding and support to students? Are you seeking a community that you can discuss the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on assignment design with?

The Transparent Assignments Series is designed to support you through the process of revising an assignment so that more students can succeed in your course. This program promotes student writing improvement across the disciplines and at all levels through the use of an evidence-based assignment template, which has been shown to reduce gaps in retention rates among first-generation students.

Please join the Learning Resource Center (LRC) and Faculty Development for a four-part series via Zoom as we work toward creating more transparent writing prompts, better scaffolding, and more effective collaborations between instructors and the Writing Center.  Read more
