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Events: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

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Featured Events

AI Prompt Engineering Essentials

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 - 10:00am to 11:00am

A digital illustration of a glowing cloud connected to an illuminated computer keyboard, with educational symbols like books and a graduation cap inside the cloud.

This hands-on workshop focuses on Prompt Engineering for Generative AI, equipping participants with the essential skills to craft effective prompts from AI models like ChatGPT. Attendees will learn the significance of prompt engineering in enhancing AI interactions and explore the CARE system (Context, Action, Results, Example) as a framework for creating effective prompts. Through collaborative exercises, faculty will gain practical experience in generating AI prompts tailored to their disciplines.

Topics covered include:

  • Importance of Prompt Engineering: Understanding how well-crafted prompts influence AI responses and outcomes.
  • The CARE System: Introduction to the Context, Action, Results, Example framework for effective prompt creation.
  • Hands-On Exercises: Practical activities using ChatGPT to create lesson plans, assignments, and active learning activities.
Read More About AI Prompt Engineering Essentials

AI Prompt Engineering Essentials

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 - 10:00am to 11:00am

A digital illustration of a glowing cloud connected to an illuminated computer keyboard, with educational symbols like books and a graduation cap inside the cloud.

This hands-on workshop focuses on Prompt Engineering for Generative AI, equipping participants with the essential skills to craft effective prompts from AI models like ChatGPT. Attendees will learn the significance of prompt engineering in enhancing AI interactions and explore the CARE system (Context, Action, Results, Example) as a framework for creating effective prompts. Through collaborative exercises, faculty will gain practical experience in generating AI prompts tailored to their disciplines.

Topics covered include:

  • Importance of Prompt Engineering: Understanding how well-crafted prompts influence AI responses and outcomes.
  • The CARE System: Introduction to the Context, Action, Results, Example framework for effective prompt creation.
  • Hands-On Exercises: Practical activities using ChatGPT to create lesson plans, assignments, and active learning activities.
Read More About AI Prompt Engineering Essentials

AI Prompt Engineering Essentials

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 - 10:00am to 11:00am

A digital illustration of a glowing cloud connected to an illuminated computer keyboard, with educational symbols like books and a graduation cap inside the cloud.

This hands-on workshop focuses on Prompt Engineering for Generative AI, equipping participants with the essential skills to craft effective prompts from AI models like ChatGPT. Attendees will learn the significance of prompt engineering in enhancing AI interactions and explore the CARE system (Context, Action, Results, Example) as a framework for creating effective prompts. Through collaborative exercises, faculty will gain practical experience in generating AI prompts tailored to their disciplines.

Topics covered include:

  • Importance of Prompt Engineering: Understanding how well-crafted prompts influence AI responses and outcomes.
  • The CARE System: Introduction to the Context, Action, Results, Example framework for effective prompt creation.
  • Hands-On Exercises: Practical activities using ChatGPT to create lesson plans, assignments, and active learning activities.
Read More About AI Prompt Engineering Essentials

Lookout Weekend -- A Book Talk by Pablo Aguilar and Gerard Meraz

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 - 10:00am to 11:15am

Event Flyer

The backyard party scene in Los Angeles during the 1980s was an integral part of the city's vibrant youth culture and played a significant role in shaping the local music, fashion, and social scene. These parties, often referred to as "backyard boogies" or "house parties,"|were informal gatherings held in residential neighborhoods, usually in the backyards of private homes. These fliers serve as time capsules, transporting you back to a moment when the allure of the night was at its peak.From Backyards to Discotheques, the DJ's, and promoters in LA thrived in the 1980's. We created a community that that should be acknowledged and recognized. The Los Angeles promoters and DU's of this era are still going strong and continue to grow. Read more

FacDev Lounge Hours in FacDev Commons

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 - 11:00am to 1:00pm

FacDev Commons interior

FacDev Commons is an innovative space serving CSUN faculty! It is located on the Garden Level of University Library (UL) in Room UL 3. Experiences in FacDev Commons are aligned with FacDev’s mission to support faculty in their teaching, scholarship, service and leadership journeys. In this space, faculty will build community with each other and engage with the space by learning and innovating together, creating ideas with others, supporting each other, working on their own projects, and focusing on their wellbeing by resting and relaxing. 

Faculty members can use the space during FacDev Lounge Hours in an informal way, such as to grade papers, eat lunch, chat with colleagues, work on a project, have meetings with a small group, or simply rest and relax. There is no need to make a reservation to come to FacDev Lounge Hours. Read more
