Sanborn Fire Insurance Atlas Collection

  • Sanborn Map showing a segment of Burbak, California
  • Sanborn Map showing a segment of Los  Angeles, California
  • Sanborn Map showing a segment of Los Angeles, California
  • Sanborn Map showing a segment of Sacramento, California
  • Sanborn Map showing a segment of San Diego, California
  • Sanborn Map showing a segment of San Francisco, California

Access & Services


Elements within the Sanborn Map Collection are considered archival materials. Access to the Collection is by appointment only. Collection staff, however, will be more than happy to assist researchers and students alike via email. Send your research inquiries and service requests to Please include as much information as possible. Details such as a street address or intersection can be most useful in determining whether or not coverage exists for your exact area of interest.


Collection materials can be made available in digital format for non-commercial, research or personal use. Cost for such services include a pull fee of $10 per volume and an imaging fee of $20 per map sheet. Payment for services may be made online using a credit card.