A maximum of two minors are permitted at CSUN, provided that all work can be completed within 140 units. Note: Students can add a minor only if they can complete both their major and the minor within 140 units.
For a minor, a minimum of 6 units of upper division work must be taken at CSUN. Thus, some transferred credits can be used to satisfy aspects of the curriculum.
Students with less than 75 units:
- Can declare the minor themselves.
- Visit the Admissions and Records website for directions to declare online.
- The minor is housed in College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
- Minor code: 895913R
Students with more than 75 units:
- Use the Minor (plan) Change or Declaration form found on the CSUN Current Student Forms webpage.
- Download the form fill out Section A and Section B
- Attached the form to an email and send it to one of the Human Sexuality Coordinators