Phi Delta Epsilon Official Website

Facta, Non Verba

Phi Delta Epsilon Official Website

Facta, Non Verba

Phi Delta Epsilon Official Website

Facta, Non Verba

Phi Delta Epsilon Official Website

Facta, Non Verba

CFHI: New Scholarships, Discounts

Child Family Health International, provides global health immersion programs for those interested in global health and medicine. Participants go on 1-3 month rotations with physicians in developing countries working in underserved communities. CFHI’s socially responsible and financially just programs expose students to current health care challenges facing countries across the globe.

2010 Scholarships:
CFHI is again offering partial scholarships that provide funding for qualified students towards our programs. CFHI is offering 7 partial scholarships for fall 2010 CFHI programs, deadline to apply is August 2, 2010! To learn more visit their scholarships page.

2011 Discounts:
CFHI is offering discounts on 2011 programs- submit your 2011 application before August 1, 2010 and pay 2010 fees for any January-May 2011 program. For more details be sure to check out their discounts page.

Questions? Email

AIDS Walk 2010 *Updated*

Yasmin is not wasting any time, and has already registered PhiDE for this year’s AIDS walk on October 17th. Many of us have done the walk before, but if you haven’t then you’re in for a great new experience. It isn’t too early to start preparing, so pick up a new pair of sneakers and hit that treadmill!

Update: Registration is now open! Make sure to register under our team, Phi Delta Epslion CSUN - 3943 (do NOT register as an Individual).

Coroner's Office Tour

This Friday, June 25th PhiDE is going on a tour of the Coroner’s Office. We will all be meeting at the CSUN - G3 outside parking lot around 12:15pm and departing at 12:30pm. The tour starts at 1:30pm which should last between an hour to an hour and a half. Need or can provide transportation? Let Yasmin know.

Gelfand Committee

This Sunday June 20, from 1pm-3pm the Gefland Committee will meet at Jonatan’s apartment. Check your e-mail or contact Jonatan for directions.

Health Fair

Another health fair in LA happening next Saturday June 19 from 9am-3pm. If you missed the last one now is your chance to get involved! Contact Diana for more details. Visit CCM online for more information.