Outreach Intern Daniel Colunga

Outreach Intern Daniel Colunga

Graduating: 2024
Major: B.A., Music Industries Studies Option
Hometown: Hesperia, CA
CSUN activities: Member of the A&R team for CSUN’s student record label. CSUN Mariachi ensemble.

I love the opportunities that CSUN provides for its students during and after their attendance. There are countless numbers of helpful resources that are either being paid through our tuition or funded via Third Party. People of different diversities and backgrounds that you can connect with. Lastly, the professors are filed with compassion for their field and values feedback from their students more than ever.

I wanted to become an intern due my previous position as a Student Outreach student worker at my local community college, Victor Valley College. After transferring to CSUN, I always had the urge to help others like my previous job and I became extremely curious about what else CSUN can offer.

My future goal after graduation is to do my summer internship for Music Industry Studies (M.I.S.) and apply for the Music Industries Administration, master’s program.

Outreach Intern Daniel Colunga
Outreach Intern Daniel Colunga Outreach Intern Daniel Colunga
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