Outreach Intern Anahit Apetyan

Outreach Intern: Anahit Apetyan

Graduating: 2025
Major: Accounting
Hometown: Armenia
CSUN activities: Passport Business program, GE Honors Program, Outreach Internship Program

What I like about CSUN is the beautiful campus, professors, different, interesting programs and new opportunities. After graduation, I want to get my CPA license and be hired by one of the Big Four companies as an audit specialist.

I became an intern to help new and existing students overcome student life’s difficulties and to recruit new high school or college students by showing them the beneficial side of using their opportunity to become a college student.

Outreach Intern Anahit Apetyan and members of her family. Outreach Intern Anahit Apetyan and member of her family.
Outreach Intern Anahit Apetyan and her family
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