- Effect of disorder on spin transfer torque in magnetic tunnel junctions, H. Y. Tang, N. Kioussis, A. Kalitsov, and Roberto Car, Journal of Applied Physics, 109, 07C920 (2011).
- "Seamless” Graphene Interconnects for the Prospect of All-Carbon Spin-Polarized Field-Effect Transistors, Luis A. Agapito and Nicholas Kioussis, J. Phys. Chemistry, 115, 2874 -2879 (2011).
- Electric-field control of magnetism in graphene quantum dots: Ab initio calculations, Luis Agapito, Nicholas Kioussis, and Efthimios Kaxiras, Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Comm.) 82, 201411 (2010).
- Inhibiting Adatom Diffusion through Surface Alloying, Zhengzheng Chen, Nicholas Kioussis, King-Ning Tu, Nasr Ghoniem, and Jenn-Ming Yang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 015703 (2010).
- Strain-field effects on the formation and migration energies of self interstitials in α-Fe from first principles, Zhengzheng Chen, Nicholas Kioussis, Nasr Ghoniem, and Dariush Seif, Phys. Rev. B 81, 094102 (2010).
- Atomistic-Continuum Modeling of Dislocation Interaction with Y2O3 Particles in Iron, A. Takahashi, Z. Chen, N. Ghoniem, N. Kioussis, Jour. of Nuclear Materials (Spring 2010, in press).
- Influence of asymmetry on bias behavior of spin torque, H. Y. Tang, N. Kioussis, A. Kalitsov, W. H. Butler, and Roberto Car, Phys. Rev. B 81, 054437 (2010).
- Modeling of dislocation interaction with solutes, nano-precipitates and interfaces: A Multiscale Challenge, N. Kioussis and N. Ghoniem, Invited Review Article, Journ. of Comput. and Theoretical Nanoscience 7, 1-30 (2010).