by Dale Chang, China Council Scholarship Recipient
Da Jia Hao! Hello everybody! I am currently studying Chinese language and culture at Huazhong Normal University, in Wuhan, China. I can say this has, so far, been the best learning experience in my life. I have been keeping myself busy here in China. In addition to taking Chinese language classes, I have been teaching two classes of English. So, I have been able to use my teaching resources from my past year in the teaching program here at CSUN. After five months of language classes, there are many times I feel like can really communicate with everybody in Chinese. I am really looking forward to the next semester when our teachers will focus on strengthening our oral language skills.
My time in China has also provided me with a chance to learn from my classmates. In our class of 27 students, we have 21 nations represented. So, I have been able to learn about their country and culture. I have promised to visit all of my classmates in their native countries. I just hope I can keep this promise. Most of my classmates are teachers or future teachers in their home country. We have spent the past months sharing teaching stories and experiences. This opportunity to hear and compare different teaching methods has really given me a unique experience that I truly cherish. There are times when I miss home, but then I am reminded about this incredible opportunity I have been given. With this in mind, I am taking every chance to learn more, so that I can share China with my future students at home.