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13 Apps to Help You Conquer the Fall Semester

August 18, 2014

A photo of smartphones displaying different productivity apps.

Photo Courtesy of

"After a seemingly endless summer of warm weather, blue skies, and fun in the sun, it's time to head back indoors for the fall semester...But don't worry, there are plenty of resources to make the transition easier. These apps for the big two mobile platforms can help boost your productivity and make you more efficient, though they're no replacement for hard work and diligent study."

"A full-featured productivity app for forgetful students, Studious allows you to set reminders for specific assignments, meetings, or exams. You can also add a campus map, as well as classroom locations and building names. The coolest feature? A phone silencing option that automatically prevents your phone from ringing or vibrating in class..."

Read more at (via USA Today: College)