
Bonuses & Stipends:

  1. One-time bonus and short term monthly stipend options are available to some bargaining units under specific conditions per the negotiated contract. Please refer to the appropriate bargaining unit contract,, or contact the Classification and Compensation Manager for available options and specific criteria.

  2. When an employee has demonstrated exceptional performance on a project or short-term assignment, management may consider a one-time merit bonus. A manager considering such an action should contact the Classification/Compensation Manager, because the awarding of merit bonuses requires meeting pre-established, written criteria.  Merit bonuses do not increase an employee’s base salary or salary-based benefits.

  3. At times, an employee is assigned significant higher-level responsibilities, including project lead or coordination, on a short-term basis. A manager may consider awarding a monthly, temporary stipend for the duration of such assignment(s). Temporary stipends do not increase an employee’s base salary or salary-based benefits. If the additional higher-level responsibilities become ongoing, it may be appropriate to consider an in-range progression or reclassification request. Please refer to information on In-Range Progression and Reclassification.

  4. Managers are encouraged to consult with the Classification and Compensation Manager when considering bonus or stipend options.