Asian American Studies

Doyoung Lee

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Prof. Doyoung Lee

DOYOUNG LEE has been a lecturer of the Asian American Studies Department at the California State University, Northridge since Fall, 1991.

She has taught Asian American Women; Asian American Fiction; Survey of Asian American Literature; Race, Racism and Critical Thinking; Introduction to Asian American Studies; Freshman Composition; Developmental Writing; and Developmental Reading.

In addition, she also teaches in the Gender and Women’s Studies Department.

Doyoung Lee has received her first M.A. in American Studies/Literature (Bowling Green State University, Ohio); her second M.A. in TESL and Applied Linguistics (UCLA). Currently she is in the Ph.D. program of Women’s Studies in Religion in the School of Religion, Claremont Graduate University.

Asian American Studies mural


  • M.A. American Studies/Literature, Bowling Green State University
  • TESL and Applied Linguistics, University of California, Los Angeles