University Advancement

  • Oviatt Library

No Surprises In Kamala Harris’s 20 Years Of Tax Returns

Harris has been a vocal supporter of tax disclosure by political officials and candidates. As a married couple, Harris and Emhoff have paid ETRs ranging from a low of 19.7% in 2023 to a high of 38.3% in 2019. The couple has claimed itemized deductions for state and local taxes, mortgage interest, and charitable contributions. Their donations have gone to a rather stable array of organizations, including the couple’s alma maters: Howard University; California State University, Northridge; and the University of Southern California. Harris and Emhoff have also donated regularly to the DC Central Kitchen. Other donations have been less regular, including $20 to Wikipedia in 2018 and $10,000 to UNICEF in 2016.

Forbes Magazine 

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