University Advancement

  • Oviatt Library

APEX Express – 10.26.23 – Filipino American History Month

Emily Lawsin: Absolutely. I just wanted to add a big thank you to you. I’m going to play the interviewer because I am the oral historian. I want listeners to know the good work that you’ve done. Since you were a student, a mentor activist yourself, an attorney working with youth and now working in the anti Asian violence movement, it’s really important. In Philippine American History Month, it’s not just about celebration. It is about commemorating the memories of those who’ve been killed. The memories of those who’ve passed I know you know about Joseph Aleto the Filipino American postal worker who was killed by a white supremacist on his work route a mile from my house. I was teaching at California State University, Northridge then, and the students said something incredible when they were organizing around that case.


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