Credential Office

Appeal to Extend an Intern Credential

An Intern Credential may be extended for one year when the applicant verifies good cause for not having completed the program requirements within the allotted two-year time frame. Detailed information regarding “good cause” can be found on the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) website. Please note that in order to continue being employed as an intern you must be enrolled in the Intern Credential Program. 

Requesting an Extension

  • Complete Application Webform. This form can be located on the CTC website. Instructions on how to complete the webform can be found on this link
  • Submit $100.00 money order, personal check, or cashier’s check made payable to CTC. We cannot accept cash or credit cards.
  • Formal Letter from Applicant. This letter must outline the good cause that necessitates the appeal for an extension. It must be typed and signed.
  • Plan for completion form indicating how you will complete the remaining courses/requirements within the one year extension time. This form must be signed by both you and the Intern Coordinator. Requesting an updated copy of your Credential Progress Report from the Credential Office will assist you in completing the form accurately. The form can be found on this link.  
  • Intern Authorization for Employment Form. You must submit an updated form, it must be signed by a representative at the agency/district level, not by someone at the school site. The form must also be signed by the Intern Coordinator. Original signatures are required, the form can be found on this link. 

All forms must be submitted as a complete packet in person or mailed to the Credential Office. Once the above materials have been received and support for the appeal has been confirmed, a representative of the Credential Office will write a letter verifying the applicant’s status in the program. The Credential Office will mail the application and supporting materials to the CTC. Confirmation that this portion of the process has been completed will be sent to the applicant, Intern Coordinator and employing agency via email.

Please be aware that the authority to grant or deny extensions rests with the Commission on Teacher Credentialing.

Important Note:
We cannot stress enough, the importance of making sure all forms submitted in this process are filled out completely and accurately. The Commission on Teacher Credentialing will not accept any form containing white outs or cross outs. All forms/letter must be original with approved signature (wet or electronic signature).