College of Education Self-Care

  • Participants at the self-care drum session
  • Sunset over water
  • Blue lens flares
  • Zen garden with rocks
  • Sunset over hills
  • Spiral staircase
  • Path through trees with autumn leaves

Self-care on Mother's Day

May 8, 2023

Dear MDECOE Community,

This week we celebrate Mother’s Day and the honor the loving-kindness associated with mothering, no matter who may be the source of this for each of us. Hopefully, there is at least one person in each person’s life that “mothers” them, showering love and acceptance, in whose presence one can feel one’s unique potential. Extended family life allows for this but so do neighbors, teachers, friends, mentors, and so many others in nontraditional roles. Every person needs an ongoing bath of love to flourish. And so we can honor this gift from the mother figures in our lives by encouraging these special people to take care of themselves just as they have been taking care of others.

Self-care tips for moms from Mayo Clinic Health System post. “The most important components of self-care are to be realistic and purposeful. If your schedule is hectic and chaotic, it may not be realistic to expect hours a week to focus on self-care activities. Start small with attainable expectations. For example, taking 10 minutes a day to focus on deep breathing, meditation or positive affirmations may be all that is realistic at this time. Build on the foundation you have made. Mom's health and well-being affect the entire family group. By incorporating self-care into your regular routine, you will become an even more amazing caregiver. Here are some quick tips for implementing self-care.”

Delegate and ask for help.
It's difficult to admit you may need help or can't accomplish everything on your own. An old adage says that it takes a village to care for a family, and this could not be more true. Find your village and ask for help. Accept help when offered. This may result in a few extra prized moments to focus on yourself. Don't be afraid to say no to commitments that don't interest you or you don't have time for.

Stay organized.
Keep a planner, calendar or list of upcoming appointments and tasks for yourself and family. Avoid stress from the unexpected, such as the school project that your child needs assistance to complete last minute. Prioritize tasks to prevent becoming overwhelmed. Start by completing the most time-consuming or less interesting tasks to get them out of the way first.

Focus on basic healthy lifestyle habits.
Aim for seven to eight hours of sleep each night. Try for some daily physical activity each day, with a goal of 150 minutes total a week. Eat a healthy diet consisting of lean meats, low-fat dairy, fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Avoid sugary beverages, alcohol and high-fat foods. Drink six to eight cups of water daily.

Schedule your "me time."
Add a "date" with yourself to your calendar and protect it. For example, schedule a fitness class, lunch with a friend or coffee with a good book. Once the date is scheduled, try your best to keep it just as you would for any other appointment.

To read more, go to

For a list of other self-care options, please see our COE self-care website for resources for faculty, staff, students, and the community at:

Happy Mother’s Day to all who engage in mothering others!

