Faculty Development

  • Effective Classroom banner with a yellow background.

Effective Classroom Teaching Practices

The Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) is an organization that offers faculty asynchronous courses on how to teach effectively in both face-to-face and online course environments. This time, we will be offering the Effective Teaching Practices program that is focused on face-to-face classroom teaching (though still provides many online teaching practices in the course).

Program Details

When is it?

This program is now completed. Please fill out our Interest List to be notified of future ACUE program opportunities. 

This is a fully online, asynchronous program (with a one-hour synchronous orientation launch session on Zoom in mid-August). The program is offered online and is organized into four sections which each takes approximately six weeks to complete. Faculty learners have the flexibility to complete each module at days and times that fit their schedules. Participants will spend 2 to 3 hours engaging with module content, participating in virtual discussions, implementing new practices, and completing reflection assignments.

Each week, with support from CSUN facilitators, faculty will be:

  • Engaging in authentic demonstrations of effective teaching
  • Learning from nationally recognized experts
  • Collaborating with colleagues in facilitated discussions
  • Implementing new teaching practices and observing student impact
  • Writing structured reflections, including plans to continually refine their practice 


Who should apply?

Faculty eligibility criteria include:

  • those able to protect roughly 3 hours per week
  • comfortable using Canvas as a learner
  • must be employed at CSUN and teaching a course in which they can implement new strategies
  • faculty at all ranks (tenure-track and lecturers) and experience level (novice and senior level faculty) are welcome to apply
  • this course is for motivated faculty who are open to joining an iterative and collaborative process of taking their teaching to the next level


Is there funding/incentives?

  • $750 is available for faculty who complete the program by the final deadline
  • A nationally recognized Certificate in Effective College Instruction co-endorsed by Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) and the American Council on Education (ACE) will be awarded for faculty who complete the course requirements. Teaching certificates for the higher education context are rare so this can be a useful way to demonstrate evidence of your teaching effectiveness for reappointment, retention, tenure or promotion. 


What are the program goals?

Designed for new and seasoned instructors in any discipline, this course offers faculty a complete set of research-based teaching practices to build on their existing knowledge and expand their instructional toolkits. By prompting faculty to apply and reflect on their learning, this program helps to reinvigorate educators and ensure students experience dynamic and inspired teaching campus wide.

Learning Units covered in this course:

  • Creating an Inclusive and Supportive Learning Environment
  • Promoting Active Learning
  • Inspiring Inquiry and Preparing Lifelong Learners
  • Designing Learner-Centered and Equitable Courses


What do CSUN faculty say about ACUE programs?

Hundreds of faculty at CSUN have completed ACUE credential and microcredential programs. The majority say being involved in these programs is beneficial and believe the programs have positively impacted their teaching. Sample comments by CSUN faculty include:

There is no question that the ACUE course has significantly improved my teaching and student outcomes.

ACUE presents the information in very translatable fashion so it was easy to quickly operationalize the pedagogical tips/tricks/insights.

Exceptional quality program with practical knowledge that can be immediately implemented into the classroom.


How do I sign up?


This program is now completed. Please fill out our Interest List to be notified of future ACUE program opportunities.