University Advancement

  • Oviatt Library

A Very Special School Is Threatened Again

Let’s look at why Lokrantz needs your support and attention. The community has been fighting to get many programs and supports back that have gone away under the last couple of principals. For example, our therapy pool has been broken for many many years with no real progress being made to fix it, CSUN music no longer offers its unique and valuable music therapy program on our campus, and our much-loved playground is falling apart. Especially our much loved “merry-go-round” that was broken by kids in the local area and has sat broken for years now. There is no excuse for this since a new merry-go-round was purchased and has been sitting in the local district parking lot for a year! This is inexcusable. Also, the MOVE program is a needed program that has successfully run on the campus for many many years but since the pandemic, no new training has been given to the many new staff members. At this point, most staff is no longer comfortable with using this program. This is heartbreaking as this program is a key part of the Lokrantz philosophy and NEEDs to be consistently used in all classes on campus. There are so many things that had once made Lokrantz a specialized and unique school for our most fragile students that have simply disappeared. Have we addressed this with the principal you ask? That is a resounding YES and nothing has changed.

Northridge-Chatsworth Patch

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