University Advancement

  • Oviatt Library

Best Of 2022: At KCRW’s Morning Becomes Eclectic, it’s Novena Carmel and Anthony Valadez’s Mix And Flow

As for Anthony Valadez, he is very much a child of the 818 (the area code of the San Fernando Valley). Valadez, by his own account, was always all about the music. By his senior year in high school, he was already working at local college radio station KVCM. Then, when he attended Cal State Northridge, their public radio station KCSN, which had gone all classical (after being all country and before that jazz and classical) operated independently. Valadez felt that students should have shows on the station, so he lobbied the station manager; and when that failed, he appealed to the college’s Dean – end result: Valadez got his own show – Mondays from midnight to 2 AM, playing a mix of music. “That was fun… It was like a burrito of different favors, different flavors, different ingredients.”


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